Datum (Beginn) 20.05.2025
Uhrzeit (Beginn) 20:00
Datum (Ende) 21.05.2025
Adresse Vogelweiherstraße 66, 90441 Nürnberg
Location Hirsch
Website Website besuchen
Kategorie Konzert
Genre Rock

Kyle Gass of Tenacious D is finally back on tour in October! After a one-year "vaccication" on his Californian farm, posting tons of fun videos on his social channels while waiting for his shot, Kyle Gass of Tenacious D did what he does best: Killing time by writing great songs. When he finally got the call, Kyle got really, really nervous which resulted in the new single release of "Vaccinated" - a parody of the Ramones classic "I Wanna Be Sedated" with a video featuring longtime friends like Jack Black, Amy Lee, John C Reilly, Steve Lukather, and many others. Not only because of the incredibly great response to the "Vaccinated" release, but rather because he was tired of drinking home-squeezed orange juice all day, Kyle went for it again. He knew the time was as ripe as the fruits on his citrus trees for the world needs to be saved with his super rock power. So, he rounded up the most virtuosic musicians in California to put on a rock show the world has never seen. Kyle and his band of bros will blow the thick layers of dust off your ears like a rock ‘n’ roll hurricane you have never experienced before. The couch apocalypse is over, it’s the beginning of a new era: The Kyle Gass Must Save The World Tour 2021 is on. You’re welcome.

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